It was a Hello Kitty themed party for Ady last September 6, 2008. Her party was held in the Banquet Hall of the Stone Crest Clubhouse in San Pedro Laguna. We met Ady's family last year when we covered her baptism.
Since then, she has grown so fast! Ady is a very pretty and active one year old! She would respond happily to the music that she hears. She appears to be a very independent child at such an early age. Mommy Sheh made her sit on a high chair so she can attend to some guests and details of the party and there wasn't any problem for Ady. She just sat there without making any tantrums even when she was left on her own considering that there were a lot of people in the party. Other kids would cling to their parents in such scenarios.
Daddy Amiel came all the way from Abu Dhabi to attend her precious daughter's party. Relatives of Ady are all very proud of her. Below are some shots taken during the event. Thank you to the family for making us again a part of this special celebration.
Click here for more pictures.